While March's hardware sales data may have been grim reading for Sony, they're not worried. Oh no. They've got…
Sales were down for Nintendo over the same time last year, but Iwata & Co. aren't bothered. And why would they be,…
Fans of Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars might want to set aside hopes for a sequel. It appears that Rockstar Games'…
February's U.S. software champ, Wii Fit, didn't have the strength to fight off the combined forces of Resident Evil 5…
Nintendo hardware continued to move in excess of over one million units a month in March, but the video game…
Yesterday's NPD Group sales data revealed that PlayStation 3 sales were down year-over-year. In fact they were down…
Yes, the Wii and Nintendo DS continue to sell slightly better than hotcakes in the United States, moving more than…
Microsoft had a good February. It was the Xbox 360 maker's "best non-holiday month" with the exception of the…
Yesterday's news that Wii Fit continued to ride high on the U.S. video game sales chart last month told only half…
Nintendo's Wii Fit continues its reign at the top of the NPD sales charts, giving another 644,000 Wii owners in the…
February was very kind to Nintendo, as U.S. consumers brought home over three quarters of a million Wiis home with…
Although PC online gaming has dipped slightly, a recent survey by the NPD Group shows that online gaming as a whole…
Sales of Wii Fit continue to astound, with 770,000 copies of the exer-game snapped up by U.S. consumers in January.…
It's not just console NDP figures we're getting today. There are PC charts, too, (though again sans hard numbers)…
As Nintendo president Satoru Iwata already revealed last week, Wii owners in the United States are still buying Wii…
No one was expecting Nintendo to sell Wii and Nintendo DS hardware at the record-breaking rate it had in December,…
Konami's PlayStation 3 exclusive Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots has crossed the million mark in the U.S.,…
The answer to the question "What was 2008's bestselling game in the U.S.?" is "Wii Play." Or is it? What about all…
Our neighbors to the north are spending more on video games than ever, according to the NPD Group, over $2 billion…