Today at Gamescom in Germany, Tecmo's Team Ninja revealed that Ninja Gaiden 3 was getting physical with the…
After some delays, and some uncertainty about Move support, developer Tetsuya Mizuguchi himself takes to YouTube…
Don't you worry, Evolution Studios plans to keep the end of the world going on for as long as possible.
Last week, I ran a video that showed a Nintendo rep playing The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword using the required…
I have this silly daydream of a Kinect-enabled baseball game. In it, you can call for your runner to steal by going…
If using a small monkey to cut off sections of clothing is your thing, listen up. Dancing Eye is coming to the PS3,…
So, yes, I saw the Phaser. The PlayStation Move attachment showed off to oohs and aahs at Sony's E3 press conference…
Experience the excitement. Experience the magic. For the umpteenth time. But in glasses-free 3D. After being…
Now that Ubisoft's Just Dance series has dominated the Nintendo Wii, dance fever goes airborne with Microsoft's…
E3 is a den of promises. Promises sell products. And according to the cynics of the world, promises are meant to be…
A recent Sony patent shows a camera-enable PSP dock that allows players to use PlayStation Move controls.
Action game No More Heroes is coming to the PS3, with Move controls, as No More Heroes: Red Zone Edition.
It all started in the late 1980s and early 1990s. But it wasn't nearly as sexy. Game makers began releasing titles…
According to Sony, the PS3 surpassed 50 million consoles sold worldwide on March 29, 2011. What's more, PlayStation…
PlayStation 3 shooter Resistance 3 will support Sony's PlayStation Move motion controller and the Sharpshooter gun…
Already released in Japan as Furi! Furi! Sarugetchu, the PlayStation Move-powered Ape Escape is finally coming to…
Yesterday Sony unveiled Move.Me, a software application that allows hobbyists and academics access to the Move…
Killzone 3 is at its best when it's most unrecognizable.
Due out later this month for $40, here's a closer look at the PS3 Move Sharpshooter.