European PlayStation 3 owners had a bit of trouble yesterday, with their PlayStation Store wallet and purchasing…
PC owners finally get a chance to pick up Modern Warfare 2's Stimulus Package starting today on Steam for a…
Playstation 3 owners finally get a chance to pick up Modern Warfare 2's Stimulus Package starting today for a…
They weren't charging nearly enough for their used games. Weird pricing decision by GameStop for Modern Warfare 2, (Xbox 360 version),
It is no secret that much of the world sees our beloved hobby as a nothing but juvenile, ultra-violent, and…
A group of nearly 40 past and present Infinity Ward developers have banded together to file suit against the…
It was only a matter of time. Having recently established a new studio to get away from former bosses Activision,…
Activision community man (and former games writer) Dan Amrich has taken to Facebook to chat with people about his…
On Friday, amidst much commentary and schadenfreude about the troubled state of Modern Warfare development studio…
A top Activision executive, speaking late this week after mass defections from Modern Warfare studio Infinity Ward ev…
Hey, if Modern Warfare 3 falls hopelessly behind schedule as Infinity Ward crumbles, maybe Activision can go this…
The mood at Infinity Ward, the studio behind 2009's biggest game, is terrible and corporate parent Activision is…
How much you enjoy petty squabbles between large multinational companies will determine how much you enjoy the…
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 developer Infinity Ward continues its slow crumble today with the departure of two…
They say they don't even know what their next game will be yet. But the former lead men behind Modern Warfare 2 tell…
The drama involving the creators of one of the biggest franchises in gaming continues as Jason West and Vince…
The courtroom drama unfolding over the Call of Duty franchise is in many ways big, and important, and heavy, but…
This week's episode of animated comedy series Family Guy ends with a special treat: a cameo appearance from Modern…
The blowup this week over gun-camera footage showing an Army operation raised comparisons to "video game-like"…
The legal stoush between publishers Activision and former Infinity Ward bosses Jason West and Vince Zampella isn't…