In November, British sci-fi author Richard Morgan said he was hired by Electronic Arts to write stories for three…
If you play Modern Warfare 2, you just might be busy racking another kill. But the people who made the game are in…
A little more than a month after the two top men behind Modern Warfare 2 were fired by their publisher and sued…
Modern Warfare 2's five-map, fifteen-dollar "Stimulus Package" will arrive for both PS3 and PC in North America on…
Activision and Microsoft are exploding with joy over the performance of the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2…
Via Twitter, Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling just mentioned that Modern Warfare 2 gamers have logged more than 1.75…
Take seven of your spare minutes today to watch Modern Warfare: Frozen Crossing, a tribute to the Call of Duty:…
Want to see what all that Modern Warfare 2 fuss is about, PC gamers? Then play the game's multiplayer mode for free…
Despite rumours of Call of Duty developers being "held hostage" over withheld bonus payments, it nevertheless looks…
Investigative organization WikiLeaks released classified U.S. military video today showing the killing of more than…
At $3 per map, it was fair to ask what else you get for your money with the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package. The…
When you're a the nephew of a world famous three-time Formula One champion, you take any rare opportunity for…
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 remains the most popular game played on Xbox Live since its launch late last year,…
No disc - game, CD, DVD, whatever - sold more in 2009 than Modern Warfare 2, in the U.K. anyway, where the game…
We're still five days away from the release of the first Modern Warfare 2 map pack for the Xbox 360, so you might…
There's something fishy about this commercial for the upcoming Modern Warfare 2 map pack. Namely, that these sure as…
Let's say someone built a replica of Modern Warfare 2's training level, "The Pit". And then felt like challenging…
A new service launches tomorrow, called GameCrush, where men can pay money to play over Xbox Live with an…
Firearms enthusiasts. Hardcore video gamers. They sound like two completely different groups of people, but both…