Product placement in video games is nothing new, but Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is definitely taking it to…
From Axe body spray to Doritos chips, upcoming stealth game Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is wall-to-wall product…
Metal Gear fans won't have to settle for the limited edition (and garish) "spirited green" PSP when buying their…
Looks like an innocent CD music single packaging for upcoming stealth game Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, right?…
A console-less future. It's a topic that rears its head from time to time, and what do you know, today it rears its…
If you thought Konami and Kojima Productions' collaboration with Capcom's Monster Hunter series was a bizarre fit,…
To help stoke interest in upcoming Playstation Portable exclusive Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, game creator…
If there's one thing Japanese PSPs have over Western PSPs (aside from people playing Monster Hunter), it's Porter's…
Square Enix doesn't only make Final Fantasy games. It also makes Dragon Quest games. But besides that, it also makes…
Stealth series Metal Gear Solid has never shied away from corporate sponsorship and obvious in-game product plugs.…
Snake's list of mortal enemies appears to have gotten a bit longer, as the latest issue of Famitsu reveals that…
We've already seen double the Snake-sneaking action in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, perhaps the Biggest Deal to…
Beverage Mountain Dew has been doing the game collaboration for years — like Halo 3 or World of Warcraft. Who's…
The best way to sell a PSP in North America these days may be to anchor it to a game like Metal Gear Solid: Peace…
Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima cannot be clear enough. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker isn't just some PSP…
Last May, Kojima Productions launched a teaser site with either a "S" or a "5". It was a number "5". And it belongs…
Metal Gear makers Kojima Productions have been riding the Twitter bandwagon since September of last year, but the…
This year could be a huge year for video games. That's what folks say every year, and that's what we are saying…
Hideo Kojima is taking the delay (in Japan) of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker very seriously, and has posted a…
Konami's upcoming PSP title Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker has been delayed over a month.