We don't know if Commander Shepard is still alive, but the evidence is mounting
Tonight's Fine Art looks at the work of BioWare's Ken Fairclough
I’m Commander Shepard, and these are my favorite and least-favorite things about BioWare’s classic space RPGs
It doesn’t matter if you’re a Turian, Asari, Quarian or (sigh) human, everyone is getting smooched by Commander…
Amazon is also giving out Grid Legends and three Star Wars games
A BioWare promo got fans speculating, but the next game's project director quickly shut rumors down
Keywords Studios staff at the Mass Effect developer's Edmonton office are organizing
BioWare says that “the team is focused” on delivering next-gen experiences
The global pandemic has presented challenges the Mass Effect developer hopes to address with this new hybrid…
Pour one out for Mordin, who dies the most (but also not that much at all)
The new game from former BioWare vet Aaryn Flynn features a shared world and crafting
Pinnacle Station wasn't included in the recent re-release because its source code had been lost
Fans desperate enough to want to zoom in and dream are going to have a field day
There's no wrong way to play a video game unless you are one of these people.
Ex-BioWare devs reflect on how Mass Effect 3’s ending was received nearly a decade later
In Mass Effect Legendary Edition, players really, really love Garrus and being Soldiers
It was cancelled because the projected sales weren't worth the cost to release on expensive cartridges
Get up close and personal with the Normandy's personnel
“It felt like we were always fighting the IP...What story are we going to tell in 90 to 120 minutes?"
I can't stop hearing an old cellphone ringtone in the background...