There have been over two million attempts to beat a Mario Maker level called Lucky Draw, and seemingly all of them…
Nintendo showed off Super Mario Maker 2’s new four-player competitive and co-op online modes earlier this month, and…
The sequel to Super Mario Maker will have a story mode, unlike its predecessor, Nintendo said today in a Nintendo…
Most speedruns showcase the kind of superhuman precision that takes thousands of hours dedicated to repetition and…
Twenty eight Super Mario Maker creators have banded together and created an exhaustive series of courses push the…
This Super Mario Maker level is called Trials of Death, a level so tough the guy who made it has been trying for…
Mario Maker’s last content update dropped over a year ago, but hardcore fans aren’t ready to let go yet. Instead,…
Hail, ye Nintendo faithful! Loyal folk that you are, a Wii U rests beneath your TV. The console never quite hit its…
Just because the Wii U was an afterthought for me, though, doesn’t mean it went ignored by the rest of my household.
One of the defining features of Super Mario Maker on the Wii U is the ability to share your creations with the world…
Super Mario Maker, one of the Wii U’s best games, comes to 3DS today, which would be great if it wasn’t missing a…
It took 32873 tries for YouTuber Val JP to beat a single Mario Maker level, and his journey to the finish line is…
Francis Travers spent has spent over 650 hours creating, and then trying to beat, a single level in Mario Maker.…
Though Nintendo’s Mario Maker website makes it easier to find cool levels, it remains woefully incomplete. Where’s…
Just when it seems like Mario Maker creators shouldn’t be able to surprise me anymore, along comes a clever level…
You might think this GIF is all you need to know about the brilliant Mario Maker level Super Mario vs. Mecha Bowser,…
I haven’t had a chance to play it yet, but Super Mario vs. Mecha Bowser in Mario Maker looks like a delight. Who knew it was possible to build a mech?!
I’ve largely avoided stages labeled super expert in Mario Maker; they’re usually nonsense. Sometimes, they’re the…
My heart broke after reading a letter from a seven year old fan named Daniel, who was hoping I’d play his Mario Maker…
I’ve been fending off the diabolical Mario Maker creations by Giant Bomb editor Dan Ryckert for months now. Our…