With Valentine's Day just around the corner, Konami thought a good way to promote its Nintendo DS title Love Plus…
A few days before last Christmas, a line stretched around a Tokyo bakery. The customers were waiting to buy…
Whoops! Enterbrain, the publisher behind Japanese game mag Famitsu, has apparently put next week's cover online.…
It's a Christmas tradition in Japan to eat cake with your loved ones. So here's where Konami's DS love simulator Love…
Love Plus is a popular DS dating sim from Konami — in Japan, it's the sleeper hit of the year or something! The…
This week a church in Guam pronounced a man and his copy of dating sim Love Plus husband and, well, wife, and the…
This morning a videogame literally forced me to say "I love you", enunciating every syllable perfectly, clearly…
Players of Konami DS title love Love Plus as seen on My Game News Flash. Another pic after the jump.
Manaka's! The character from Konami's virtual girlfriend simulator for the Nintendo DS, Love Plus.
Kazuyuki Inakoshi, manager of Akihabara's Messe Sanoh, doesn't pull any punches in his Famitsu.com column about the…
Konami Digital Entertainment polled 500 Japanese men to find out.
The first part of the game is standard fare: Players court three girls, trying to get them to fall in love. That's…
Konami's upcoming DS dating sim Love Plus is anything but your typical dating sim game. It's a dating sim plus.