Girl's RPG: Cinderellife on the Nintendo 3DS purports to be—as the name suggests—an RPG for girls. But what…
Girl's RPG: Cinderellife on the Nintendo 3DS purports to be—as the name suggests—an RPG for girls. But what…
Guild 01 is an upcoming 3DS game made by four different creators. It's not really "one game" per se, but four…
While official DLC is growing increasingly ridiculous in the way it fragments a video game, it would be wrong to…
Upcoming Nintendo 3DS role-playing game for girls Girls RPG Cindere Life featured a hostess-type heroine with…
Namco Bandai will be releasing Level-5/Studio Ghibli collaboration Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch in North…
Westerners notice it. The clothes run slightly smaller, and a medium in Japan would be a small—or even a petite—back…
Much has been made, and rightly so, of the involvement of Hayao Miyazaki's Studio Ghibli with Level-5's PS3 RPG Ni…
When Ni No Kuni was released on DS last year, it shipped in just about the coolest box ever, which housed an…
Considering how game developer Level-5 collaborated with anime studio Studio Ghibli, I guess the logical thing…
As far as PS3 role-playing games go, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is one family friendly game. In Japan,…
I'm quite taken by Level-5's upcoming RPG Ni No Kuni. A big reason for that is the helping hand the developers…
Ni no Kuni isn't only the PS3's most beautiful game, it's also pretty darn cute. Thank Studio Ghibli for that. Know…
Level-5, the studio responsible for Professor Layton, is working on a new piece of game hardware: An all-purpose…
Guild 01 is not your typical 3DS game. It features four games from four different game creators. Here is some…
Level-5 has followed their announcement that Namco will be publishing Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch's…
According to Ni no Kuni developer Level-5, Namco Bandai will be publishing the PS3 version coming to North America…
Time Travelers, that mysterious 3DS game, is also headed to the PS Vita and the PSP. It will be out next year. [ゲームメモ
In movies, it's not unheard of for several famous movie directors to team up, each contributing a short film to a…
The Kansai area of Japan includes Osaka, Kobe, and Kyoto. It's famous for its food, such as okonomiyaki and beef,…
The PS3 version of Ni no Kuni, the prettiest game of this year's Tokyo Game Show, is coming to America.