When Ni No Kuni was released on DS last year, it shipped in just about the coolest box ever, which housed an extravagant spell book. Well, early adopters of the PS3 version, at least in Japan, will get the same book.
You can see it in the gallery above; it looks identical to the DS one (though in this case, with the spells it contains stored on the disc, it's not necessary like it was for the handheld). Hopefully Namco Bandai see fit to include it in Western copies of the game!
Ni No Kuni is an upcoming RPG from Level-5, with animation and story done by Totoro creators Studio Ghibli. It was released in Japan yesterday, while it's out in the West in 2012.
マジカル・ゴールドとはいかに。「PlayStation3 NINOKUNI MAGICAL EDITION」を開封[Inside]
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