Spending Valentine's Day alone and sulking? Take out your lonely frustrations on hordes of undead this weekend,…
The recently unveiled Left 4 Dead Survival pack for the Xbox 360 and PC will be free, Valve announced today.
As promised, first concrete details on the Left 4 Dead "Survival Pack" were released on the most recent episode of…
It's like Jaws 3! With zombies! But, sadly, no Louis Gossett, Jr. Oh well. This mod for Valve's Left 4 Dead takes…
This Friday's episode of GameTrailers TV promises us a look at two highly anticipated downloads for both Grand Theft…
The long-talked-about, much-anticipated Left 4 Dead expansion pack, first mentioned on Kotaku, hits the PC and Xbox…
It wasn't all bad news and leaky product announcements during yesterday's EA conference call. Some good came of it.…
Want to express your love eternal to the Left 4 Dead-loving dork or dorkess this Valentine's Day? Say "I love you…
Two Valve games, two cult followings, we're amazed it's taken you lot this long to whip something like this up.…
If you were serious about picking up artist Jason Chan's Left 4 Dead 4 Kids print (not actual video game fan art,…
Someone's put together a Left 4 Dead mod that aims for more realistic gameplay but definitely ratchets up the…
If the zombie apocalypse broke out a few decades earlier than it did in Left 4 Dead, it might look a lot like this.…
Valve's Left 4 Dead is useful as both a chilling simulation of the zombie apocalypse and as a tool for encouraging…
Most gaming shirts are awful (though not all!). Most riffs on the classic "John Paul Ringo George" shirt are awful (t…
Speaking this week at a forum on game industry law, Valve's Jason Holtman said the company views pirates as…
Valve said they were going to release a Left 4 Dead patch this week. Valve aren't in the habit of lying to us. The…
We can become pretty calloused toward user created mods, but when someone goes to the effort of recreating Resident…
The man behind Metal Gear Solid, Hideo Kojima, has got Left 4 Dead fever, a first-person shooter addiction rare in…
Over the holiday season, Global420 was bored. Global420 likes toys, and he likes Left 4 Dead. So he combined the…
You had any problems with Left 4 Dead on PC? I haven't. Sure some of you have, though, so you'll be heartened to…