Angry Birds has Golden Eggs. Angry Birds Star Wars, however, has Golden Droids. YouTube user AngryBirdsNest has…
Angry Birds has Golden Eggs. Angry Birds Star Wars, however, has Golden Droids. YouTube user AngryBirdsNest has…
Angry Birds Star Wars is now out on the Apple iTunes Store.
If you're willing to spend some Farm Bucks for limited edition trees in FarmVille 2, you can now craft three new…
Like it when a cute girl watches you? "This isn't some weird metaphor," explains comedian Kendo Kobayashi. Rather,…
Spooky Cool Labs' Facebook game based on movie classic The Wizard of Oz is in beta now, and you should definitely…
Nexon's free-to-play social RPG The Grinns Tale, which I crowed about a few weeks back, officially launches today.…
Curiosity, the first experimental game from Peter Molyneux's 22 Cans, is an iOS app that invites the entire world to…
Spicy Horse Games' (Alice: The Madness Returns) browser-based online shooter Big Head Bash is a game about toys…
If you're running out of animal population room on your farm in FarmVille 2, but aren't satisfied with simply…
Launching November 8 from Pangalore Games, Knightly Adventure is a free-to-play Diablo-esque action RPG tucked…
While I busy myself playing games like The Grinns Tale and the newly-released CityVille 2, the rest of Facebook…
Last month Zynga revealed that 13 of its lesser-performing Facebook games would be closed in order to make the…
You're looking at the tier six armor for Nexon's utterly wondrous social RPG The Grinns Tale, which I wrote about on…
Madden NFL Social launched two weeks ago on Facebook with almost no announcement from EA Sports. They were waiting…
Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver brings his ingredients to Zynga's ChefVille this month. It's a food revolution!
Hurricane Sandy's reach extended far beyond the real world, causing the unexpected delay of the millions of…
Tonight, Lee's iPad questioned him with a blue pop-up window: "Do you want to buy one Chest of Gems for $99.99?"
Gameglobe is a place where everyday folks like you and me can play, create and share unique 3D games (like that one…
Engorged with the heady success of Bubble Witch Saga and Candy Crush Saga, King.com adds another epic tale of…