The Kickstarter campaign for Mighty No. 9, a new Mega Man game in all but name, just closed. It made so much money…
This is the iMotion, a controller concept by Intellect Motion. It's a mouse, that you hold in the air, which doubles…
People are mad at Neal Stephenson. So mad that there’s talk of launching a class-action lawsuit against one of the…
Every spiritual successor to Mega Man needs a spiritual successor to Roll. In Mighty No. 9's case, it's a girl named…
I always tried to keep Ding Chavez alive in the Rainbow Six games, if he died I would constantly reload my last save…
In four days, Mighty No. 9's Kickstarter will come to an end and soon, development for Mega Man's spiritual…
I was nauseous for hours after trying the latest hot-shit evolution of virtual reality gaming. But I’d do it again.
PayPal is causing crowdfunded game developers all kinds of woes, Giant Bomb's Patrick Klepek reports. Read the whole story. An excerpt: "I had pulled out like $700,000 and dumped it into our bank,” said Lab Zero founder Peter Bartholow. “I get a call from a [PayPal] guy who’s like ‘yeah, I can’t believe they let you… Read more
Were you one of the 9000 people who gave money to the Kickstarter for CLANG, a swordfighting game whose campaign was…
Mighty No. 9's Kickstarter campaign managed to reach its 2.2 million stretch goal, which means the game will receive…
For a game that spawned a cartoon spin-off, a comic book and an action figure line, there's been no activity at all…
Kickstarter has been a real boon for retro gaming recently, hasn't it? First General Chaos, then River City Ransom:…
There's a campaign currently running on Kickstarter to fund a new kind of motion controller. The people behind the…
Diablo II. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Secret of Mana. These are just some of the inspirations behind…
Here's a cool looking Kickstarter project: Blood Alloy, a dystopian Metroidvania inspired by Dark Souls and Vanquish. They want $50,000.
Indie group Conatus Creative wants to release an official follow-up to Technōs' classic '89 side-scrolling street…
Hokey PC adventure series Tex Murphy is coming back with Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure (its Kickstarter…
General Chaos was a Genesis game that, in the grand scheme of things, few people played and even fewer remember.…