You know what game was a lot of fun? Just Cause 2. But as delightful as it was, it had more than its share of flaws.…
Avalanche, the Swedish team behind the Just Cause series, are currently working on three games. Two are licensed…
So, you've read all about the ambitious multiplayer add-on that that a group of modders has been working on for the…
The Just Cause 2 multiplayer mod that's currently in development for PC is pretty expansive.
To recap: smart people are introducing multiplayer to the PC version of sandbox shooter Just Cause 2. A public…
Editor's Note: Imagine that there are secrets about video games buried under the soil on which you stand. The…
Sandbox action game Just Cause 2 was a blast to play solo, but sadly shipped without any kind of multiplayer. No…
Editor's Note: Do you want to read about some secrets about the gaming industry? Would you like to know about plans…
Editor's Note: The shadowy figure known as Superannuation is back with more armfuls of gaming gossip about the…
People loved Just Cause 2. With all the crazy grappling/parachuting/action-stunting in Avalanche Studios' 2010…
"This isn't flying. This is falling with style."
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the feature film version of action game Just Cause, Just Cause: Scorpin Rising…
People don't love Just Cause 2 for its story, or its characters. They love it for the fact it's a giant toybox,…
According to a report in Xbox World magazine, Just Cause developers Avalanche will next year release a third game in…
We'll have plenty of time to scrimp, save and perhaps land a second job to afford the next generation of video game…
Just Cause, a game series starring a swarthy man bathed in tight shirts and explosions, was always going to get a…
A Just Cause movie, which we got wind of a year ago, now has a screenwriter and another producing partner, signaling…
Again, the biggest selling point for Just Cause 2 is that it just does not give a damn. Motorcycle jump to a…