There is a flood of content in the Apple App Store. It's hard for games to stand out and find an audience. Why do…

Apple's App Store is flooded with short burst games to play... but what if you don't feel like paying for the…

My green monster is hungry for candy. He's telling me so, gesturing. I need to cut the rope with a finger swipe,…
The creators of Doom and Quake are bringing their latest creation, Rage, to the Xbox 360, PC, Mac and PlayStation 3…
Your View-Master disks have just been rendered obsolete. Hasbro is planning to release an add-on device for the…
As we approach the often expensive holidays it seems that the free-to-play games are making a resurgence on the…

This launch trailer gives you a good look at Infinity Blade, the role-playing game for iPhone 4 (and iPad and iPod…
Capcom Arcade brings the old-school arcade experience to your iPhone or iPod Touch, right down to letting you buy…
One of the best looking iPhone games just happens to be one of the best looking iPad games. The makers of the…
The iPhone is getting its first game from the people who make Gears of War and the developer of Shadow Complex this…

Popular puzzle game Angry Birds is all dressed up for All Hallows' Eve. Nothing quite says "Halloween" like…
Zombies and Halloween-themed Angry Birds roosted in the top spots last week.
Wooden planks are the weakest and easiest to destroy.
Video games like LEGO Harry Potter and fancy new controllers—Kinect and PlayStation Move—are among the most…
Angry Birds didn't just regain the number one spot on the iPhone and iPad, it's also got a second top ten spot on…

Using a standard Apple component cable and an iPhone 4 as a controller, Majic Jungle Software's Chopper 2…
Players of NCSoft's Aion can now use their iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad to stay connected to Atreia on the go,…

Big Bucket Software's The Incident—one of my favorite iPhone games of 2010—has graduated to version 1.2, adding…
Chillingo needs to spend all of the hard earned cash they're raking in from Cut the Rope and Angry Birds to help…

In August we told you about an app that would let StarCraft II players control the game using their iPhone or…