The first meeting between the Lombax mechanic and defective Warbot is much more dramatic in the Ratchet & Clank…
Coming in 2016, Ratchet & Clank for the PlayStation 4 is technically the game based on the upcoming CG movie based…
The creators of Ratchet and Clank and Sunset Overdrive finally take the PC plunge with Slow Down, Bull, a…
Sunset Overdrive, arguably the best exclusive game on the Xbox One, has now ended the way it began: with a mix of…
Xbox One exclusive Sunset Overdrive has the best respawn animations I’ve ever seen. They’re mostly jokes, riffing…
Sunset Overdrive will get its final piece of DLC on April 1st, developer Insomniac just announced. Known as The Dawn Of The Rise Of The Fallen Machines, it adds a new area and related missions to the game along with some other goodies. The last add-on campaign was very good, so I'm excited for this new one!
Sunset Overdrive, the Xbox One's whacky new open-world shooter, got its first batch of downloadable content this…
Want to get a better feel for Insomniac’s shooter? Here’s the first 40 minutes of it action (we’ve also got a full Su…
"I started this game collecting trash," my character quipped late in Sunset Overdrive, "and now I'm collecting trash…
Dying a horrible death in a video game is usually, well, horrible. If only there was some way to add a little style…
Xbox One exclusive Sunset Overdrive has a weekly in-game television show that communicates the latest tips and…
Back in the day Insomniac was top tier PlayStation. The Ratchet & Clank series ruled (unless you preferred Jak &…
Imagine a Tony Hawk game with crazy guns on a Horde Mode-style map. Insomniac Games did more than imagine. They…
If people can livestream playing games, why can't they livestream making games?
The makers of Sunset Overdive are proud that you'll be able to make playable characters of different genders and…
Insomniac, to put it bluntly, has something to prove right now. The renowned studio behind franchises like Spyro and …
When you're a company that's created beloved game series like Spyro the Dragon and Ratchet & Clank, there's a lot to…
The makers of Ratchet and Clank turned their attention to Facebook last year, creating Outernauts, a hip, Pokémon-sty…
PLUS MORE GAMING SECRETS AND RUMORS: Crytek might be taking their skills to Hollywood | We could see a new X-Men…
Sunset Overdrive is a new game from Insomniac Games. It's an open world shooter with character design much like that…