Hironobu Sakaguchi, the creator of the Final Fantasy series, has been making video games for longer than many of you…
Not only does the upcoming Wii game The Last Story features boats that sail in water, it always features star…
Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi is known for two things: Final Fantasy, and his moustache. So imagine the…
In January, developer Mistwalker announced it was making The Last Story with Nintendo, a "new form of RPG" bound for…
Mistwalker boss Hironobu Sakaguchi, creator of the Final Fantasy series, told us last year that his company was…
Game designer Hironobu Sakaguchi is best known for two things: Creating role playing games like Final Fantasy and…
Hironobu Sakaguchi, creator of the Final Fantasy series and boss of Lost Odyssey developers Mistwalker, isn't just…
Hironobu Sakaguchi, creator of Final Fantasy and head of development studio Mistwalker, was planning to announce…
Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey developer Mistwalker are hard at work on something new, something unannounced,…
We know we've seen that stache before! But where?
No, that is not Blue Dragon creator Hironobu Sakaguchi. Sorry! That's former Morning Musume leader Miki Fujimoto,…
Upcoming DS title Blue Dragon: Ikai no Kyojyuu is going to spend a little more time in the upcoming hopper. The Namco…
Developer Mistwalker, the folks behind Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon, are hard at work on a new game. Mistwalker head…
Hironobu Sakaguchi, the game developer behind Final Fantasy and Xbox 360 RPG Lost Odyssey, is hard at work on a new…
You may have heard. There's an economic crisis going on. Many people are panicking about this, but Mistwalker's Hiron…
The first episode of the Blue Dragon anime can be yours for nothing. It's available on Apple's iTunes Store until…
Hironobu Sakaguchi is best known for two things: Creating Final Fantasy and his 'stache. His resume is more than…
Mistwalker's Blue Dragon has a blue dragon in it. Chinese developed online title Kou dai xi yuu has a blue dragon in…
We may not, officially, know about any of Nintendo's post Wii Fit releases for 2008—the company is keeping quiet,…