Lost among this week's barrage of awesome new video games is The Last Story, a role-playing game that's slipped…
Did you know that Aeris's death was inspired by the death of Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi's mother? Or…
Wii action-role-playing game The Last Story will arrive on August 14, XSEED said today on its Twitter account.
Hot off The Last Story, Hironobu Sakaguchi, the creator of Final Fantasy, is working on a new game called Party Wave.…
A long time ago, the combat in Japanese role-playing games was extraordinarily simple. Classic turn-based RPGs would…
Kotaku previously reported that Hironobu Sakaguchi was working on three iOS games. He's revealed one of them: a…
In a statement released to Kotaku, Hironobu Sakaguchi said, "I'm working on three new games on iOS." He plans on…
The Last Story, the latest game from Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi, made its Western debut last Friday…
There was a revolution in the 1980s. It started in the military and the space industry, but it didn't use rockets or…
Hironobu Sakaguchi doesn't worry too much about the future, he said in an interview with Eurogamer published today.…
Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi has posted a tune called "Pray For You" on his tumblr page. The song is…
Let's say you don't like a game. It pisses you off. If you nerd rage, you might do something to the game.…
For decades, Japanese role-playing games ruled gaming. These days, they don't. Now, Western role-playing games…
Well, not you, but your character. Upcoming Nintendo published role-playing game The Last Story allows avatars to…
When not working on video games or grooming his mustache, Hironobu Sakaguchi enjoys playing with LEGO.
Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey developer Mistwalker is working with Nintendo on The Last Story, a game from Final…
This month, grow a Mario stache. C'mon on. Do it.
This year is the 25th anniversary of Super Mario Bros. In the latest issue of game mag Famitsu, top game designers…
Next January, upcoming role-playing game The Last Story will be released on the Nintendo Wii. But what day? I'll…
Hironobu Sakaguchi created Final Fantasy. Yoshio Sakamoto co-created Metroid. And in 1987, both worked together on…