Dumbledore was always the most talented wizard, as well as the most sly. Pulling out a lightsaber to calmly defend…
According to a report on Develop, EA has closed its Bright Light studio based in the UK. The developer had last…
Traveller's Tales are the masters of the brick. Their LEGO creations deliver not just fun gaming experiences, but…
Lego is at it again with LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7, charming the pants off the players with it's dialogue free,…
It's an incongruous notion: Making a video game set in a LEGO world of children wizards dark and gritty.
Photographer Mike Kowalek loves taking pictures, whether that be birds, bridges, you name it. But it's his cosplay…
I love me some LEGO video games; the quality of the graphics and the difficulty of the puzzles keeps getting better,…
Halo's Master Chief jumps into the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. Spoiler alert! It's still…
Jen: So Sam, If you could have your dream HP video game, what would it be like?
With part two of the one-part Harry Potter book finale making its way to theaters, it's time to take a look at the…
Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has inked a deal with Sony to create Pottermore, a strange hybrid between a…
There is of course no such thing as a Harry Potter game on the Sega Genesis. The series came about far too late…
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One looks like it will be a much darker game than fans of the series are…
There are two ways that video games might corrupt the people who play them.
Many video games have had a "big head mode." But who calls it "big head mode"? Not Harry Potter. In his next game,…
We're not talking popularity here, but size, physical size — er, scope. Distance! Get your mind out of the gutter.
It's a movie tie-in game for a film based on a blockbuster book series, so really, what did you expect of Harry…
Loosely based on the Rafael Sabatini books that spawned an Errol Flynn movie and possibly a 2011 remake by director…
Harry Potter's Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe (aka Harry Potter), currently showing his dong in Broadway's Equus…
Having heard from "sources", CVG are reporting that the next franchise to be given the Lego game treatment will…