Is that the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? Nope, these are the new facilities for the elite Hebei…
I never played any of the older Harry Potter games, and now, watching Criken2 play through the PlayStation version…
Horrible things happen when bros stop chilling, and instead start nerding out. Horrible, horrible things.
How about some mellow? Let's do mellow. Here we have a lovely performance of "Hedwig's Theme" from the Harry Potter…
Come on back to today's Kotaku Deals, there's a great new Humble Weekly featuring Knytt Underground and Really Big…
As a more casual Harry Potter enthusiast, the best moment in the entire movie series was The Tale of the Three…
Today, JK Rowling revealed that she's going to be writing the screenplay for some new movies set in the Harry Potter…
Did you really expect the Harry Potter movies to end at eight? JK Rowling has just announced that she's launching…
All you need to do to make someone seem less fierce is to catch them prancing around without a care in the world,…
You've seen that draw the fucking owl meme image, right? It's a parody of a how-to draw book. Japan has a version of…
Perhaps seeking to open a new front in the war for hearts and minds, the US Army have taken up the ancient and noble…
Daniel Radcliffe of Harry Potter fame signed on to play the lead in the Tokyo Vice film version. Tokyo Vice is Jake Adelstein's memoirs from his crime reporter days and is definitely worth picking up. Read more
Alan Rickman, the actor who plays Severus Snape in the Harry Potter movies, is one handsome man. He isn't, however,…
Well, that escalated quickly. First, Japanese schoolgirls started uploading photos of faux Dragon Ball moves. Then,…
Last year, Alice Finch won "best in show" at BrickCon for her enormous recreation of Harry Potter's Hogwarts. As she…
Wonderbook; The Book of Spells, the not-really-Harry-Potter-but-endorsed-by-J.K.-Rowling-so-you-think-it-is bundle…
What if there was a book that had no words in it? What if this book that required a camera, a TV and a video game…
It's either the cutest or the most ridiculous thing we'll see at this year's E3, but it's a thing: Sony has…
British artist Ross Dearsley has over the years done everything from comic art for Marvel to concept work for the…
Let's be honest: it's fun to track Harry, Hermione, and Ron's adventures through Hogwarts and the magical realm, but…