Bugs. They're those annoying glitches that can mar your experience with a game or, in extreme cases, end your…
I run hot and cold on Bob Seger. "Old Time Rock 'n Roll," thanks to just about every wedding DJ I've ever heard, is…
Microsoft's nifty wireless microphones that were packed in with Lips just got a whole lot more useful, supporting Gu…
Metallica frontman James Hetfield continues the payday publicity blitz in an interview with Rolling Stone that comes…
We don't expect celebrities to genuinely be good at the video games they appear in, but one would think that…
Not sure why you'd really need this, what with the game's title doing most of the selling (or turning away) on its…
Metallica guitarist Kirk Hammett calls Guitar Hero: Metallica calls the game collaboration a "no brainer" and a…
So why didn't they just film them, save themselves a few months of animation work?
The inclusion of Mercyful Fate's King Diamond will ratchet up the evil in Guitar Hero: Metallica, as well as the…
Probably not much of a surprise, but inspection of the Guitar Hero: Metallica trophies list reveals one for "Rock…
Uh. Whoops. Somebody at Activision thought it would be a good idea to put all the game's featured band names on the…
Metallica announced today that Guitar Hero Metallica will feature Motörhead's Lemmy Kilmister as a playable…
Activision will once again throw tons of cash at the Guitar Hero franchise via NASCAR endorsement, as it sponsors…
As we've explained, Slayer's contribution to Guitar Hero: Metallica is War Ensemble off Seasons of the Abyss. Slayer…
The upcoming Guitar Hero: Metallica will feature the band's four current members. And just those four. Those hoping…
We don't need ESRB leaks. Metallica themselves have gone one better and released the full, complete tracklist for…
The slow drip of song reveals from Guitar Hero: Metallica continues, thanks not to Activision or the media, but the…
Guitar Hero Metallica's not exactly what the marketing department team calls a hard sell. But for those still umming…
Metallica's own Guitar Hero game will be riding the lightning on its way to retail shelves on March 29 for the Xbox…
Guitar Hero Metallica still doesn't have a firm release date in the US (though rumours suggest March). Doesn't have…