They are an elite fighting force led by a pair of twins that feel each other's pain. They are the Imperial Guards of…
This was completed sometime back in early spring, but only yesterday became known to the public at large: It's Atta…
On the second day of Comic-Con my true love let me buy... a ton of relatively useless but shiny and pretty things.…
Custom toy builder GDX is to thank for this masterpiece: what was formerly a GI Joe has now been reimagined as Magic…
Look, I'm not saying it's possible. Even in cartoon land, there are certain laws of nature that have to be abided.…
Meet Darklon, one of Destro's Iron Grenadiers. He lives in a cast-iron castle in the Alps, where he dispatches his…
Anastasia Cisarovna. The Baroness. She's just one of the many memorable villains that make up the GI Joe universe,…
Earlier this month Game Informer gave us the first dust-filled image from BioWare's mysterious new franchise. Now…
Coming soon to iOS-powered devices from the wonderfully named and logo'd Mighty Rabbit Studios, Saturday Morning…
The year was 1993. Street Fighter was one of the biggest things on the planet, and venerable toy franchise GI Joe...w…
Let's face it. If sweet science fictional rides like Airwolf or KITT actually existed, laymen like us wouldn't get…
As seen from the offices of EA's campus, which could use a window wash.
Due out next month, G.I. Joe The Rise of the Cobra hasn't been making many favorable impressions around Kotaku tower.
After the last batch of G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra screens, I was seriously hoping to see more of Cobra —…
The DS version of upcoming movie-game G.I. Joe will be a top-down shooter with a slight role-playing game element…
The upcoming G.I. Joe video game won't rely on just the movie, instead the game will tap into 45 years of history,…
Speaking with some of the development team earlier this week they said that the already have four public service…
New screens have surfaced for G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, EA's game of the movie of the cartoon of the toy.
Electronic Arts' take on toy-turned-cartoon-turned-movie, G.I. Joe, will be unveiled during next week's Toy Fair in…