In this case quite literally, as artist Aram Bartholl explores in his exhibition called Hurt Me Plenty, which uses…
Open your wallets! Wide. Germany's premiere stuffed toy maker Steiff is releasing a Godzilla plushie for a…
The German version of Wolfenstein is a little different from the version of Wolfenstein most of us will get to play.
Passengers at this Berlin train station would be forgiven for cloaking then running for the nearest doorway after…
The new South Park game has swastikas in it. For the German version of the game, publishers Ubisoft said they were…
Marcel "Dexter" Feldkamp, a pro gamer on the League of Legends circuit, landed in Washington on Friday on the way to…
Last Friday, the PS4 launched in Europe. Gamers in Germany were very excited to get the new PlayStation console. Very…
American Tim Cannon is a "biohacker". That unsightly bulge on his arm there is where he stuck a giant computer chip…
Time for another tale—albeit unconfirmed—of the inside workings of Nintendo, though this one's a little saucier than…
It took a team of twelve people over a week to set this up. Over 270,000 dominoes, lined up painstakingly, just so…
While American researchers build robots based on safe, friendly animals like puppy dogs, and the Japanese continue…
We've all had our fun with the Xbox One's less-than-stellar reveal, but for eBay, the console's problems are more…
Gamification—the use of game mechanics in the real world—remains largely a joke, often relegated to a bullet point…
A grisly killing in Munich left a 31 year-old woman dead. Katrin M. (last name withheld) was stabbed 18 times with a…
You say the words "laser turret", and you think strategy games. Maybe shooters. They're as clichéd a defensive tool…
There's a movement afoot in Germany to hold a mass burning of "killerspiele,"—their word for violent video…
In fact, it's usually one of two days. The first being in January 1999, when this issue of German mag Video Games…
Last week, it was revealed that European Wii U owners can only purchase 18+ rated games from the Wii U eShop during…
Like the original Dead Island, the sequel, Dead Island: Riptide won't have a German release, because that country is…
It's entirely acceptable behaviour in desolate military installations and remote jungles, but busting out Snake's…