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This Game Awards You Points For Smashing Real World Cameras

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Gamification—the use of game mechanics in the real world—remains largely a joke, often relegated to a bullet point in a marketing strategy or manifested as an ineffective experiment. Some might even call it bullshit. Sometimes, though, you see something noteworthy and interesting—and in this case, gamification has found an unlikely outlet: protesting in Germany (or vandalism? You decide.)

The Guardian reports that in Germany, some people are putting on ski masks and tearing down surveillance cameras in a game of sorts. It's called Camover.

The game is real-life Grand Theft Auto for those tired of being watched by the authorities in Berlin; points are awarded for the number of cameras destroyed and bonus scores are given for particularly imaginative modes of destruction. Axes, ropes and pitchforks are all encouraged.


It seems that there is tension in Germany surrounding surveillance cameras according to The Guardian, with a previous demonstration happening on what was called "1984 Action Day."


Camover may be a game, but those participating in it aren't joking around.

"Although we call it a game, we are quite serious about it: our aim is to destroy as many cameras as possible and to have an influence on video surveillance in our cities," the anonymous creator of the game declared.


The winner gets to be in the frontline of a different protest, which seems fitting.

Game to destroy CCTV cameras: vandalism or valid protest? [The Guardian]