Gears of War 1 ballparked around 6 to 9 hours. For some, that's a little on the short side. So for Gears of War 2,…
Remember Clifford Michael Bleszinski stated how "Metal Gear Solid is our example of the game we're not doing" and…
A new splash page at the official Gears of War web site may have just revealed the launch date of Epic Games' next.…
Lots of people have the Nintendo Wii. For example, I have a Nintendo Wii and, yes, maybe you do too! With such a…
And here we were thinking Epic was just going to let Gears of War 2 slip quietly onto the market with a minimum of…
Gears of War has great gameplay. Beyond that, we really don't remember much about it. (Oh well, we remember that The…
The Cliffster is making Gears of War 2, and the dude's totally hoping he can improve. Make a better game, you know.…
Yup, a bonanza. More Gears 2 screens than you'll know what to do with. Multiplayer screens, multiplayer…
Gears of War 2 designer and, apparently, part-time aviator Clifford Michael Bleszinski dishes loads of details to…
Gears of War 1 is a really good game. We like it! But there were, like with every game, things that bugged us about G…
Gears of War was a big hit for The Cliffster and Epic. Unless Gears of War 2 is totally rotten, that game will…
Microsoft's Kudo Tsunoda is acting as the go-between for upcoming Xbox 360 exclusive Gears of War 2. So! What are…
This May Or May Not Be The Gears 2 Cover Art - Microsoft Europe just sent this along. Say it's a "temporary packshot" for Gears of War 2. Sure hope it stays temporary. You can't even see the 2! Customers will be confused. Wrong copies of the game will be bought. Christmas mornings will be ruined.
Way back in April, Epic exec and brown suit owner Mark Rein hinted at "a little Gears of War 2 related surprise on…
Joystiq reports that, at the Wizard World convention in Philadelphia, Lester Speight - aka Gears of War's "Cole…