On November 7, Gears of War is truly getting a global release. The same day it hits North America and Europe, the…
A couple weeks ago, fanboy dorks exposed their stupidity to the wider community by hijacking the user reviews of two…
Shades of Cate Blanchett's Lord of the Rings intro here. Shades or a direct rip-off, take your pick, we're easy…
Gears of War 2 designer Cliff "D.H." Bleszinski is concerned about the sanctity of his latest gore-filled shoot 'em…
If I were a GameStop employee right now I would be so very sick of midnight openings, unless of course I worked at…
Resistance 2? Gears of War 2? Far Cry 2? The best shooter this holiday is Call of Duty: World at War — so say the…
This time around there's no emo soundtrack, no self reflection, no admiration of pretty flowers through sniper…
The latest entry in our cosplay contest comes via The New Yorker. Dude Huge has dressed up in a Gears of War…
Starting November 25th, gamers across the country wandering through the music section of their favorite big box…
All you Gears-heads, I guess this is a spoiler alert, if you don't want to see or know what you're facing when…
It's that time again! The time of the year for the big games to hit the shelves, and for the big mags and websites…
No doubt, one of this year's biggest releases is Gears of War 2. Microsoft and developer Epic clearly have…
Click to viewFor a game so loaded with testosterone, it's refreshing to see Microsoft and Epic Games showing us the…
Predictable. And in more ways than one. According to Microsoft, Gears of War 2 won't be seeing a release in either…
All those high-profile games leaks - just how do they happen? Well, here is one way... An employee of games…
Yes, yes - Gears of War 2 has begun showing up on popular torrent sites across the internets, with a gigantic 6.76…
Pwn or Die put up a pretty cool comparison of the five maps in Gears of War that will be available for download in…
Our gentlemen callers at Gizmodo got to spend some time with the new Gears of War Zune the other day. While fondling…
Xboxygen have published details of seven Xbox 360 bumper bundles due out in Europe before Christmas - four new ones…