Funny I should post a story about Gears of War 2 multiplayer the same day as the Left 4 Dead multiplayer event.…
Horde mode is the star of the Gears of War 2 multiplayer lineup. Oh sure, you've got your classic death matches and…
I held back talking about the Gears campaign last week since a substantial amount of what I played was on co-op,…
Microsoft are happy. Why? Because while many of you were convinced to part with pre-order money for the first Gears…
Sure, people who pre-order Gears of War 2 get an exclusive in-game gold Lancer weapon to chainsaw their friends…
Tipster Matt sends us this - Gaffer dreammastah got his hands on Gears of War 2 and provides enough visual proof (if…
It's a necessary milestone in game development, but really, most of you couldn't give a rat's arse about 99% of…
Gears of War 2 is a hard game for me to write about. Partly because (drum roll, please) I didn't play the first one…
Looks like anyone with a hat cam can waltz into E for All this weekend and film Gears of War 2 to their heart's…
Well, get a load of this. Remember the E for All Expo? Yeah it's this weekend in Los Angeles and finished as of…
Are ten multiplayer maps in Gears of War 2 not good enough for you? How about fifteen? Epic Games is packing a…
This turned up tonight. Looks real enough. It's missing some pages - most likely those detailing story/plot issues -…
Here you are, a selection of footage from the first two chapters of Gears of War 2. Plenty of gameplay, plenty of…
Last week a Best Buy tipster emailed us pictures from a pre-holiday meeting in Dallas showing off what they said…
No joke. It's a Gears of War 2 Zune. And hey, why not, it sure worked wonders for Halo 3's marketing campaign…
Remember that red controller Microsoft showed off at E3? We figured it had a Christmas theme. Turns out it doesn't.…
There are things Dude Huge likes and things Dude Huge hates. Plastic guns for example, Dude Huge loves plastic guns.…
Know this, humans, Gears of War 2 won't be a short game. It'll be a long game. One you play for "months, if not…
Epic Games won't be bringing Gears of War 2 to the PC. That's their story and they're stickin' to it. It's…
A Kotaku reader who works for Best Buy sends us pictures for a pre-holiday meeting in Dallas, where they not only…