Amirul Rizwan Musa, a 21 year-old entrepreneur from Malaysia, has spent over $41,000 on cosmetic surgery to look…
As we cruise down the highway with our bros in Final Fantasy XV, it’s worth reflecting on the notable bromances and…
Not all of them, mind you! But this couple sure did. Because, really, if you are going to dress up as Final Fantasy…
Sixteen years after the release of Final Fantasy VIII, Square Enix has finally released an official stand-alone…
Toraneko is a Japanese artist and illustrator. When she was a kid, she wasn’t just into video games, but also into…
Shmuplations might sound like a website designed solely for hardcore shoot ‘em up fans, but it’s actually an…
Rinoa and Squall make a really cute couple, especially when modeled in HongZhihao’s Bravely Default-esque style. Also, that tiny gunblade is just adorable. Check out the Sketchfab model below for more angles.
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Just look at it. This fan art is based on Final Fantasy VIII's Balamb Garden, and it not only looks fantastic, but…
Want to experience Final Fantasy VIII without struggling against enemies or waiting on super-long cutscenes and…
With a little redesign, Final Fantasy characters would make pretty cool Pokémon trainers. You just have to find the…
Here's the newest world record for beating Final Fantasy VIII as quickly as possible, set last night by speedrunner C…
Hey Squall, did you hear? Your game's on Steam now.
Final Fantasy VIII is on Steam starting today, Square Enix just announced. It's going for $11.99, and it comes with an optional cheating tool called Magic Booster and the mini-game Chocobo World.
Square Enix just announced that 1999 role-playing game Final Fantasy VIII is coming to PC in Japan.
Inspired mostly by Medieval architecture and the Middle Ages, fortified stone castles in video games are always…
By the end of the 90s, the 16-bit era ended and 3D took over. With the PlayStation and 3D graphics cards out there…
Adeeb Md Mynul Islam is an animator at Ubisoft. But when the sun goes down, and the virtual art ceases, a different…
With Valentine's Day putting us all in a romantic mood it was our duty to gather some of the defining aaaawww…
Remember back when the Final Fantasy franchise had room for silly jokes and random frivolity? Commenter Balmung…
If you've played Final Fantasy IX, you know Kuja is the main bad guy. Like many Final Fantasy characters, Kuja has…