Players are diving into Fallout 4’s files, and what they’re finding is actually pretty damn cool. First, there was…

Just another video of Fallout 4. Nothing to see here. Except... hey, wait a second.

Let’s take a field trip, you and I. To a place where we probably shouldn’t go.

Even the post-apocalypse can be beautiful, under the right circumstances.
There are four factions you can help out in Fallout 4. Each has its own goals, its own philosophy, and its own cool…
Fallout 4’s wasteland holds many secrets—and also many more not-so-secrets. Case in point: creepy-ass mannequins are…
In the 100+ hours I’ve played Fallout 4, I’ve been a pretty heroic dude. Well...with one exception.
Last night, while wandering in Fallout 4, I heard something strange in the distance. A man on a megaphone was…
If you’re proud of your little wooden shack with a turret or two and a landscape painting, you might not want to…

Holy shit. The traders in Fallout 4 are no joke, apparently.

By default, Fallout 4’s faces are a little too stiff for many people’s liking. Naturally, modders took it upon…

It’s like Starship Troopers. Or Helm’s Deep. Only scarier.
Fallout 4’s armor situation is a bit confusing. I’m not talking about Power Armor here—I’m talking about the more…
Everything you need to know to wrap your head around Fallout 4’s armor mechanics.
Paladin Danse, you seem familiar. The gruff voice, the commitment to duty, the giant sci-fi armour...where have I…

In two words: pure chaos. It’s hilarious.
There’s a pretty great easter egg hidden in Fallout 4, and it has some juicy implications about two of Bethesda’s…
Fallout 4 is at its best when it’s a horror game—at least, that’s what our esteemed overseas colleagues at Kotaku UK say in their most recent feature (and we can certainly attest to how terrifying Salem is in-game.) Head over here to take a look.

Mini nukes sure look a lot more high-tech on the inside.
Yes, there is a good use for all that pre-war money just lying around the place.