Just because we pre-empted this week's Nintendo Download for some special Mass Effect 3 news doesn't make it any…
This is Disney Epic Mickey: The Power of Illusion. It's an upcoming game for the Nintendo 3DS. That's Nintendo 3DS.…
Still unofficially announced, Disney Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion is a cover subject of the April edition of Ninten…
Warren Spector is working on Epic Mickey 2. We knew that already.
The Internet was abuzz today with rumors about a possible Epic Mickey 2 for Nintendo 3DS following a tweet from Franc…
Earlier this month at the Game Developers Choice Awards, Deus Ex and Epic Mickey designer received a Lifetime…
Disney fans have been waiting for news regarding still-rumored title Epic Mickey 2 since news first slipped around…
With nearly 30 years in game development and a career spent crafting unique gaming experiences like Deus Ex and Epic…
An online newsletter from Disney has again confirmed long-circulating rumors about Epic Mickey 2, and says the game…
For all the awesome art found in video game production—so awesome we run this regular feature on it—not too many…
Disney's Epic Mickey made its (rather late) to the Wii in Japan last week, debuting in the top ten, but not in the…
Proving his deep love for classic Disney characters in Epic Mickey, acclaimed video game creator Warren Spector…
CNBC reports that up to half of Disney's internal game development staff - think Epic Mickey and Junction Point -…
Kmart has discounted games like Goldeneye, Call of Duty: Black Ops, and Epic Mickey as part of a sale lasting from…
A common criticism of Disney's Epic Mickey (made by Totilo in his review, too) concerns the game's flawed camera…
Mickey Mouse is no Super Mario. He's the star of a more unusual kind of game on the Nintendo Wii, a game that starts…
Your reviewer shows off Epic Mickey's great Mickey Mouse character model
That's So Raven's Kyle Massey and Jennifer Grey of Dancing with the Stars and Dirty Dancing fame show off their…
Artist Len Peralta commemorates this week's release of Epic Mickey by adding creator Warren Spector to his "Geek a…