Triple-A blockbuster season is heating up, which means everybody is now knee-deep in gargantuan games like Black Ops…
This isn't quite a Last-Gen Heroes entry, but it could be, since Ninja Theory's Enslaved: Odyssey to the West…

There will be spoilers in the video here, featuring one of the best scenes in the surprisingly excellent expansion…
With new company Stark Resilient suffering super villain-related growing pains, Tony Stark has cut back on his…

The makers of this month's enjoyable Enslaved: Odyssey To The West will offer a $10 downloadable expansion to their…
Writer Alex Garland of The Beach and 28 Days Later fame penned Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. That game was…

There is a man named Monkey and a woman named Trip. New York City is in shambles, its landmarks collapsed or covered…

Andy Serkis, the lead voice and body-acting talent behind Ninja Theory's Heavenly Sword and Enslaved acting as the…
The creative minds behind games like Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, Fable III, and Brink convene in November at the…
This past April, film critic Roger Ebert wrote a post called "Video games can never be art" that carried dogmatic…
Namco Bandai unleashes a slew of gorgeous new screenshots for Ninja Theory's Enslaved: Odyssey to the West to…
Ninja Monkey and Sexy Robot? Those two word combinations alone are enough to get many onboard for Namco Bandai's…
Heavenly Sword developer Ninja Theory has already proven that they can make "post apocalyptic" pretty with Enslaved:…