Click to viewAt Microsoft's 2008 E3 press conference this morning, Bethesda announced that the eagerly anticipated…
And, yeah, you know how the rest goes. If you're pulling an all-nighter, get another coffee, you've only a few more…
If you're reading this near the top of the page, chances are you're either from a PAL territory or just do not enjoy…
The lights were dimmed when I walked into what Tuesday will be transformed into the main gaming hall for E3. I…
With most of Kotaku Tower emptying out to fly to Los Angeles this weekend it would be a crime not to throw a party.…
And we've touched down here in beautiful downtown Los Angeles. We've registered and snooped around the LA Convention…
It's the E3 Eve and just about all of Kotaku is either in LA right now or on their way there. This year's E3 might…
Hey gamblers, let's start gamblin'! Ramble on over to the Kotaku E3 2008 Fantasy Betting Pool and add your wager to…
Marvelous Entertainment USA and XSEED games are teaming up for E3, showing off their line up of upcoming titles…
Every year E3 comes and goes and we wind up with the same people being quoted over and over again. Is it because we…
With most of Kotaku Tower emptying out to fly to Los Angeles this weekend it would be a crime not to throw a party.…
The fine folks over at N-Europe have gotten their hands on the latest issue of British Nintendo magazine NGamer,…
Darwin is definitely not a Microsoft product, but it's also definitely an Xbox 360 motion controller.
Tecmo has announced its list of E3 2008 wares and there's nary a trademark D-cup nor a ninja in sight, as each of…
After rebounding from a disastrous showing at E3 2006 — five hundred and ninety nine U.S. dollars, massive damage,…