According to Entertainment Software Association president Mike Gallagher, E3 2011 will have almost as many video…
Departing from Gate E3 | A similar tableau at many airport bars in the United States this afternoon. Mine is in…
It's Sunday, two days before E3 technically starts here at the Los Angeles Convention Center. What you see here are…
Going by a tweet from Superannuation, Microsoft has registered domains for four yet-to-be-announced games, including…
The official E3 features trailer for Star Wars: The Old Republic went out yesterday, courtesy of GameSpot, and it…
Well, we're pretty damn sure that Nintendo's next console isn't called "Beem," but what if Nintendo were crazy…
The entirely CGI E3 premiere trailer for Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City found its way to the Internet…
DUST 514, the FPS console counterpart to CCP's sci-fi MMO EVE Online, is due for a big announcement at E3 2011 if thi…
Guns. Swords. Balls. The video games of E3 2011 will have all these and much more when the industry's annual…
I love the weekends before E3. I've worked four. You get everything in the tips jar—yesterday we got one that said Ha…
We've seen a good chunk of Battlefield 3's single-player campaign—at least 12 minutes' worth of it—but what about…
Beat on a quarterback for 45 minutes of an NFL game and you'll see a different guy in the fourth quarter. Some start…
I'm excited to announce that starting Noon ET, 9AM PT Monday, Kotaku editors will appear during Spike and GameTrailer…
Sick of military shooters, third-person action adventure and grinding for experience points? There's still something…
Last weekend I spent nearly $100 on new clothing for E3 2011. Now my flight is cancelled, I'm not going, and the…
The house that Sonic built and later remodeled is bringing their A games to E3 this year with Aliens: Colonial…
How may of SoulCalibur V's at least 26 fighters can you spot in the game's official E3 2011 trailer?
Once a year all things video game descend on Los Angeles for a nearly week-long celebration of gaming.
Earlier, Kotaku posted the big news from Konami's Pre-E3 Press Conference, but in case you'd like to watch all 55…
In Never Dead, you can rip off your own head. But that's okay, because you can put yourself back together again.