Activision has delivered a new batch of screens for their upcoming super hero actioner Spider Man: Edge of Time.
From now until June 12th, L.A. Noire: The Collected Stories will be available for free through all major ebook…

Up until now, Magicka has been a pretty friendly game, but that's all about to change. On June 21, everybody dies…

How did things go so wrong on the Dead Island island? The game's new E3 trailer explains... just a little bit more.

Bringing toys and games together, Skylanders uses a platform to sync action figures to your game.
Going live on the Xbox 360's Kinect hub later this morning, Kinect Fun Labs is a series of gadgets that deliver…
Microsoft's E3 2011 briefing isn't until 9:30 AM Pacific. Someone forgot to tell the guys that, because for…
While the showroom floor won't open until tomorrow, E3 begins today, with press conferences from Microsoft, Ubisoft…

NeverDead is a tongue-in-cheek third person shooter in which you can rip off your head and THROW IT.
Keeping track of E3's big press conferences-where all the important announcements are made-can be hard enough. But…
Today isn't just Monday, it's the day that gaming's biggest show, the E3 gaming expo, kicks off in Los Angeles.
According to a report on Forbes, Sony will be announcing a brand new God of War title at this year's E3, one which…

The first Prototype game seemed to be about punching helicopters. Its sequel, going by this E3 trailer, seems to…

Might be! Developed by Thatgamecompany, Journey is set in a wind-swept desert. You are a traveler, making your way…
It won't be official until it's unveiled on stage during Sony's E3 press conference, but bookmakers are surely…

E3 is almost upon us! It's a time of great excitement for video game fans the world over, but yet, it is also a time…

Not if you care about video games. Or Star Wars.
This week, the E3 gaming expo gets underway in Los Angeles. Gaming's heavyweights are showing off new hardware and…
Square Enix is doing a sequel to role-playing game Final Fantasy XIII called Final Fantasy XIII-2. This is it!…