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Want to know why some people got so excited about the Grim Fandango HD news yesterday? This little doco explains it all.

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"I think what indies really need to watch out for is not becoming the new casual games... indies are being pushed more and more to have a lower price. I'd like to fight that. Double Fine wants to keep indies premium." Double Fine COO Justin Bailey to USGamer, on how the company will operate as a publisher.

How much stuff goes into a video game? To celebrate Broken Age going on sale on Steam, Double Fine has released an infographic with a collection of stats from the number of textures in the game to the total coffee consumption of the team. Read more

Part one of Broken Age, Double Fine's crowdfunded adventure game, will launch on Tuesday for their Kickstarter backers, bossman Tim Schafer says. They'll announce the public release date then, too.

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Double Fine is releasing a puzzle/action game called Hack 'n' Slash next year, the studio announced today. It was originally announced as a prototype during one of Double Fine's big game jam sessions last November, and it'll be out as a full game in the first half of 2014.
