The Double Fine adventure game that launched a million Kickstarter campaigns has finally made it to mobile, just as witty and charming as it was on the PC and a tad bit more intimate.
Everything's more intimate with touch controls, though not always more satisfying. I've found myself missing my mouse as I play through Broken Age Act 1 on the iPad, though mainly because my iPad mini case has a raised interior edge that makes it hard for my large fingers to tap the dialogue options at the bottom of the screen.
Otherwise, it's still the same endearing adventure as the first, with art drawn to fit the iPad's stupid aspect ratio. In fact, it's such a similar experience I've tacked on Evan Narcisse's original review below.
Broken Age Act 1 is available now on iTunes in North America for $9.99. Act 2 will be made available as an in-app purchase at a later date.