Spacebase DF-9 is a game for people who think "Theme Hospital meets FTL in space" sounds like a good time.
Shades of Theme Hospital in the newest game from Double Fine, Spacebase DF-9, which tasks you with running your…
Surprise! Double Fine's lovely turn-based RPG Costume Quest just popped up on the iTunes store. Between this and The Cave last week, could Psychonauts iOS be on the horizon? Here's hoping they can get the rights to Day of the Tentacle, too.
These days it can seem like every other video game is a sequel. Everyone loves sequels, right? They're familiar,…
A good video game can get a lot of mileage out of its premise. Lots of games sell themselves on some sort of…
Picking up where he left off with Brutal Legend, it's been announced that comedy actor Jack Black will be appearing…
The developer behind Broken Age, Massive Chalice, The Cave, Brutal Legend, and of course Double Fine Happy Action…
If you're at PAX and you're a fan of Tim Schafer's funny platforming classic Psychonauts, you're going to want to…
Tim Schafer had a lot to talk to me about, a lot to clarify, when we met in his offices in San Francisco. It's been…
With only a couple of fingers needed to keep the music-based puzzle gameplay of Dropchord flowing, the rest of your…
Wasteland 2, like Double Fine's adventure game, is one of Kickstarter's greatest video game project successes. And,…
Double Fine's adventure game Kickstarter was one of 2012's great success stories, bringing in over $3 million in…
Also during Venus Patrol's indie E3 showcase, developer and Indie Fund partner Kellee Santiago took the stage to announce an agreement to finance two unannounced original games from Tim Schafer's Double Fine. Expect more on those in the coming months.
Double Fine's strategy game Massive Chalice will let you get married, and make babies. But wait a minute. What if…
The first time Tim Schafer's Double Fine studio went on Kickstarter, it broke records. The second time? They're…
"Look, we just made $70,000! Not that I have it up on auto-refresh or anything…"
The studio that started the video game Kickstarter revolution is going back to Kickstarter for their next game—and…
It's the end of the world as Shepard knows it, but you'll feel fine with these deals.
The folks at Humble Bundle have teamed up with Tim Schafer's Double Fine Productions to launch a Double Fine-themed…
This trailer for Double Fine's Broken Age adventure game was just shown at the Game Developers Choice Awards.