Later today, Double Fine's Tim Schafer, the man behind Brutal Legend, joins us on Kotaku Talk Radio to chat about…
The age of downloadable content dawns in Brutal Legend next month, when the Tears of the Hextadon map pack goes on…
'You've got a lot of people who've proposed a lot of side projects," says Mötorhead's Lemmy Kilmister, "and this is…
In an open letter on the Double Fine community site Brutal Legend developer and Double Fine head honcho Tim Schafer…
There's no doubt in anyone's mind that Brutal Legend rocks, but how does it play?
Join roadie Eddie Riggs on a magical journey to free a heavy metal fantasy world from the grips of demonic…
We've seen so much about Brutal Legend's single player mode, but what about the multiplayer? This Xbox 360 tutorial…
Brutal Legend is definitely a beautiful game, and Lee is responsible for a great deal of that, so excuse him if he…
I don't know. I think having those particular body parts enlarged would be more of a liability than anything. You…
Gamers eager enough to preorder Brutal Legend from GameStop are rewarded today with early access to the demo on the…
Surprise! The introduction to Brutal Legend contains a cameo appearance from the band Kabbage Boy! What? You've…
Did you watch the Video Music Awards last night?
Brütal Legend's ESRB rating summary just went up, and damn right it got an M - for MËTÅL. Double Fine's reaction,…
The last thing I expected from a Brütal Legend multiplayer mode was a real time strategy game. The first thing I…
The complete Brütal Legend soundtrack that we first reported yesterday, apparently going out early from an EA…
It figures that, when the Brütal Legend soundtrack was revealed, it would come out of a place like Denmark. They…
Reading this interview with Tim Schafer, I'm taken back to the first R-rated movie I saw with permission. Dad took…
Gametrailers TV's latest episode threw out two WORLD EXCLUSIVE (natch) clips of Brütal Legend gameplay - filled with…
The video does deliver nearly half a minute of new Brutal Legend gameplay and a few seconds of Black headbanging.…