Star Wars Pinball's first three tables—The Empire Strikes Back, Boba Fett and The Clone Wars—will release next week…
Today's the big day for Halo's ex, Bungie, which will soon tell all about its new affair, Destiny. That makes the…
We already knew that part one of Assassin's Creed III's three-part downloadable content pack, The Tyranny of King…
Via GameFront, here's how to take advantage of an exploit to farm unlimited resources in horror-survival game Dead…
Dragonborn is available on PC today for Skyrim fans, and European PS3 players will start getting DLC beginning Feb. 13.
There's a handy little robot in Dead Space 3. It's designed to collect resources for you in the new sci-fi horror…
Today, possibly to coincide with the release of my Ni no Kuni review, but probably not, the folks at publisher Namco…
Straight from DICE's workshop, here's Battlefield 3's freshest DLC, End Game. BF3's fifth expansion sees the…
You're expressing an opinion on something—maybe DLC, maybe DRM, maybe microtransactions or online passes. Something…
Capcom announced a substantial expansion to their sprawling action RPG last September, but left fans wanting as to…
Here's a look at the new costumization options available in Borderlands 2. Each set is available for 80 Microsoft…
The gaming world is not yet in agreement about all of the right ways and all of the wrong ways for game companies to…
Looks like we're not the only ones hoping that Far Cry 3 gets some dinosaurs sometime soon.
Images purportedly of in-store promotional materials suggest that Call of Duty: Black Ops II's first map pack…
Vergil, Dante's twin brother in the Devil May Cry continuity, returns as a playable character in next year's DmC:…
Six new rides arrive Jan. 1 in Forza Horizon's Recaro Car Pack. The lot is 400 MSP/free if you have the season pass.
After talking about Sandy Hook all day, I really just feel like flinging birds at pigs for the rest of the night.…
IGN today reported that Borderlands 2's level cap, currently at 50, will rise sometime in the first three months of…
I've been having a lot of fun with Dunwall City Trials, the first downloadable add-on to October's fantastic stealth…