One of my biggest problems with Dead Space 3 is that it is utterly lacking in the hallucination department. What…
The hero of United Front's hit open-world title spent most of the game undercover, acting more as a gangster and…
You know what every first-person shooter needs? I mean, besides guns? Dirt bikes. And every other high-speed…
Beginning Wednesday, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 will begin offering "personal customizations" on the Xbox 360, the…
Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition is pouring on the fan service with this week's release of Skin Pack 4—providing…
Here's a trailer for the next Halo 4 map pack, Castle, which releases April 8.
One of the best parts of Mass Effect 3's new 'Citadel' add-on—and there are a lot of good parts —comes near the…
Let's get this out of the way up front: Mass Effect 3's latest—and last—downloadable add-on, titled Citadel, is…
If you're starting Mass Effect 3's new Citadel DLC, you'll have to follow a few steps to get going. It's a two-part…
DmC: Vergil's Downfall is available for download today. If you haven't read Evan's review yet, I highly recommend…
1) I sure wish that a game like Battlefield 3 or any other online shooter could be as fun for neophytes like me as…
To my mind, the best kind of downloadable content expands on the experience that you've grown familiar with while…
Hey Pokémon fans! Get thee to a GameStop between today and March 24 to get your legendary Meloetta before she's gone. Read more
The developers behind the Assassin's Creed series have always been proud of how much effort they put into…
Vergil's Downfall, the first downloadable add-on for DmC: Devil May Cry, may not be out until March 5, but that…
Ten new trophies for Dishonored hint that the title of its second DLC extension is coming soon, and it'll be titled…
Meet Meloetta. She's special.
BioShock developer Irrational Games has just announced the Season Pass accompanying their newest entry into the…
After a really long wait, the Tyranny of George Washington DLC for Assassin's Creed III drops today, bringing with…
A poorly kept secret since November is official now: the Majestic Map Pack, the latest series of multiplayer maps in …