A bug in Destiny’s Rise of ‘Wrath of the Machine’ raid prevented a top clan from getting the world’s first…
Russian cosplayer Songbird pretty much is Mara Sov, Queen of Destiny’s Awoken. That Ghost is a nice touch.
A patch scheduled for October 18 will raise the light level in Destiny to 400 and improve the light levels of loot offered in the game, hopefully making players’ rise to 370 to access Rise of Iron’s raid less of, in our reviewer’s word, a “slog.” Good news, given that the creatively-designed raid is worth playing.
Fenix Fatalist, by day a cosplayer herself, is also a cosplay photographer, and took (and edited) these shots of an…
Hi! It’s me, your favorite Guardian. Let’s talk about Iron Banner for a second.
Destiny players: Did you compete in the first Trials of Osiris? If so, how’d it go? Let me know how you did, what you thought of the new map, what weapons you had success with, etc. Read more
Farewell, Omnigul farming. Thanks to a new hotfix, Destiny players will no longer be able to repeatedly kill Omnigul…
Today on Kotaku Splitscreen we’re talking about Destiny frustrations, Destiny 2, and the lovely new game Inside.
A brief history for those who are new to Kotaku and our on-again, off-again obsession with this game. Destiny is a…
Destiny, a video game in which players travel through space wondering why the hell they can’t get new artifacts, has…
Destiny 2, the currently unannounced 2017 sequel to Destiny, is coming to PC in addition to Xbox One and PS4,…
In the two years since it launched, Destiny’s greatest tradition has been this: Players will always, always, always…
With every new Destiny raid comes all sorts of potential new secrets, and Wrath of the Machine, which launched last…
Since Destiny launched in 2014, we’ve wondered what the game might look like if it didn’t have to run on PS3/Xbox…
Destiny’s latest raid, Wrath of the Machine, went live yesterday at 1:00PM EST as part of the game’s Rise of Iron…
Clan Redeem is the world’s first Destiny team to complete the new Rise of Iron raid, Wrath of the Machine. The raid…
Destiny, a video game about the eternal war between the players and developers of Destiny, has always been full of…
Destiny, a time-consuming video game which parents can play to avoid parenting, now has an official children’s book.
Destiny: Rise of Iron’s raid—the real meat of this DLC—goes live tomorrow at 1pm ET. If you play Destiny and aren’t hyped already, this trailer will help.
Rise of Iron is in our hands, so it’s Destiny time on this week’s Kotaku Splitscreen, a podcast in which we travel…