Destiny 2 fireteams are usually capped at six, but players have recently discovered a glitch to bump up the size and…
Bungie announced today it’s getting rid of Destiny 2's most beleaguered mechanic: sunsetting. Starting in Season 14,…
Destiny 2 has gotten a big expansion every year since it released, but 2021 will be different. Bungie announced today
It happened to me: I was looking for groups on the Destiny 2 app to play Trials of Osiris with, joined one, and then…
Yesterday, Bungie announced some big plans over the next few years, including new offices, new games, and a new…
A new weekly challenge in Destiny 2’s Season of the Chosen is called “Blood and Honor.” It’s a phrase that’s been…
Bungie announced yesterday that Destiny 2's partial Cosmodrome, which was brought over from the first game last…
Lance Reddick is a famous actor, with major roles in The Wire and John Wick, among other things. He’s also the voice…
Season of the Chosen went live in Destiny 2 today, and with it a whole new set of things to grind for. So far, these…
Eyes of Tomorrow is one of Destiny 2's best rocket launchers. It’s also one of its rarest, and some players who have…
Bungie officially revealed season 13 of Destiny 2 today and it adds new strikes, armor sets, and a matchmade…
Destiny 2 is no spring chicken. Since the shared-world shooter first landed in 2017, Bungie has released a steady…
It seems like only yesterday that Vicarious Visions released one of the year’s best games in Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater…
Destiny 2's Umbral Engrams and Prismatic Recaster from season 11 are coming back in season 13, Bungie announced in…
Destiny 2 has always primarily been, and will likely always remain, a multiplayer game best experienced with kind…
The moon was finally added to Destiny 2 back in 2019, but last year’s Beyond Light update made its loot obsolete. Bun…
Earlier today, United States vice president Mike Pence announced that the members of the Space Force—a big dumb…
Destiny 2’s new exotic quest for an old Destiny 1 gun makes reference to an alternate version of one of that game’s…
New content, upgrades for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, and new information about long-awaited features coming in future…
Earlier today, I wrote about how I’ve been playing a whole lot of Destiny 2 these days. I messed around with…