The $9.99 season pass for Saints Row IV includes two servings of DLC and *puts on reading glasses* "the Season Pass exclusive 'Rectifier' anal probe weapon." *takes off reading glasses, weeps*
First it was an April Fool's Joke. Then it was real. Then it was going to be a standalone expansion to Saints Row:…
On July 29, the Australian Classification Board will sit down to have another look at and possibly re-classify Saints Row IV, for which they refused classification last month—a decision which effectively banned the game in Australia. This follows the recent appearance of a low-violence version of the game on Steam. Read more
The Kickstarted game Wasteland 2 now has a publisher—Deep Silver, who will distribute the game but concede all creative control to the developers at inXile, according to inXile.

Oh, yes it did. And Volition made Captain Anderson say a whole bunch more, too. You're gonna want to see and hear…
In the wake of Saints Row IV's "ban" in Australia, a "Low Violence Version" of the game has appeared on Steam.
Last year saw the glimmer of a movement to get a video game based on Sons of Anarchy, FX's biker gang series and a…

Technically, the mansion where America’s chief executive lives is called the White Crib in Volition’s latest…
The Saints Row series never supported modding, but now that it's under new ownership, that is about to change.…

Man, that YouTube thumbnail has totally distracted me from whatever it was I was going to say about this.
Metro: Last Light is a survivor. Not only did it suffer multiple delays, but it also managed to get through its…
If "Ranger Mode" is the way Metro: Last Light is "meant to be played," why is it a preorder bonus and not in the main edition? "Offering game content as a pre-order exclusive is a requirement by retail," the game's publisher told PC Gamer. Ranger Mode is $5 to non-preorderers because that's the minimum they can charge.

During PAX East earlier this year, Tina Amini told us that we could unleash the true power of the dubstep plague in…

Yes, that's the President of the United States of America, kicking a guy in the nuts and punching an…
This is Hellraid, a new "first-person co-op slasher" just announced by the folks at Techland, best known for…
Just because Deep Silver apologized profusely for Dead Island: Riptide's rather tasteless "Zombie Bait Edition"…
In Dead Island, the first-person hack and slash RPG, you went around a tropical island, punching, kicking, maiming…

There are so many things so wrong with Dead Island: Riptide that I’m not even sure where to begin.
I got to play about an hour and a half of Metro: Last Light at PAX East this weekend. What I played felt like two…

They've been teasing some sort of reveal for PAX East but dev studio Volition are stepping up the teasing on…