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Sacred 3 brings its colorful co-op Diablo-esque gameplay to PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC this summer. With four-player drop-in, drop-out online multiplayer co-op and two-player splitscreen, Deep Silver's latest foray into the world of Ancaria should be a blast to play with friends and strangers alike. Check out

The Metro: Last Light Developer DLC pack features a fully-stocked shooting range, an AI battle arena, and a museum filled with the game's characters and creatures. There's also a solo mission filled with spiders, so screw that. The pack will release September 17 for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. You can read about Read more

I wouldn't be surprised if gameplay glitches like this in Saint's Row IV were completely intentional. If anything, they add even more chaos—in a good way, for those who are not satisfied with items like the Dubstep Gun—to what we already have. Read more
