Before everyone died in horror game Dead Island, they liked to hit the pool and drink beverages with little…
With a musical cue taken from the heartbreaking trailer that started all of this Dead Island excitement in the…
Pawel Blaszczak, a composer with credits on Call of Juarez and the first The Witcher, is handling the music for…
Deep Silver has a game forthcoming that features islands, water, and people in pirate costumes, and it ain't Dead…
From its bittersweet debut trailer to its brutally gore-ified combat, Dead Island has captured the attention of…
"We hang together, or we fucked." Truer words have never been spoken, in or out of a co-op trailer for Dead Island.
Inspired by the award-winning CGI trailer that sort of vaguely touched on the actual gameplay of Techland's…
The zombie strain that strikes the vacationers on Dead Island is so virulent that even advertising the game results…
It's no surprise that Deep Silver's zombie title is getting an M-rating. The certificate just handed to it by the…
A preorder of Dead Island with Amazon will land buyers a digital art book filled with "game art and concept art of…
Dead Island had been sending mixed signals—I wasn't able to tell whether this title was meant to be a goofy…
Upcoming first-person zombie game Dead Island has been promising a few twists and novel features outside the…
While it's certainly not the game-changing first trailer for Dead Island, today's just-released trailer attempts…
Techland's Dead Island reminds me of a recurring nightmare, an unsettling dream of helplessness in which my body…
Deep Silver is a lovely little company, but when a game generates the sort of buzz Dead Island stirred up with its…
Granted, I'd be hard pressed to list many of this year's hardcore space sim contenders, but the newly revealed X…
Another set of screenshots dumped today tell the tale of Sam B, a "one-hit wonder rap star of fading fame," booked…
We're not exactly swimming in new visuals of the hyped zombie getaway game Dead Island—and what we're seeing here we…
Much hyped zombie game Dead Island has gotten the attention of the ESRB for its logo of all things. Hanging zombies…
While the straitjacketed brute pictured above certainly doesn't look like a very inviting resident of this tropical…