Stop Stabbing Yourself - Deputy Editor Stephen Totilo bravely tests the prop knife sent to Kotaku HQ to promote…
Spotted at a Flea Market - Buried in the clutter of bags of live ammo, scopes, old swords and pieces of guns on a…
Team Fortress, De-booted | Low-resolution Team Fortress 2 classes, made cuter for older systems. By PixelBlock, an…
Light Reading - This week, two video game books arrived at Kotaku Towers West, the massive Dark Souls strategy guide…
Guess the Game - This gaming tee showed up at my house today along with a copy of the game. Any guesses which new…
Bend at the Knees -When it came time to move the garden on the roof of Gawker HQ it was the geeks (Kotaku) and nerds…
Special Order -I ordered a case of Felix gum from Japan last month. Yes, it's that good.
Hats and Square Heads -A view inside Tristan's closet today revealed that he likes fancy hats and video game…
The Sith's Gonna Do It Again | Graffiti spied on a utility pole on the Eugene, Ore. side of the Knickerbocker Bridge.
Mountain Dew XP -A can of Mountain Dew flavored Call of Duty... or is it Call of Duty flavored Mountain Dew? Anyway…
3Monitors -Joel Johnson plays a round of Battlefield 3 Beta on the Kotaku office gaming rig.... making me almost…
Gone Gold -A celebratory picture taken by Infinity Ward producer Pete Blumel used to Tweet that Modern Warfare 3 was…
Assault Horizon -Namco Bandai sent us this remote control helicopter to help prepare us for the coming of Ace…
Warhammer -This weekend marked my return to table top miniature gaming. I starting to dig into Flames of War, but I…
Sushi Restaurant About to Get a Letter from Games Retailer | SushiStop of Los Angeles. You don't want to buy…
Fish of Fury -This gutted bird and a postcard of a furious fish showed up on my doorstep today.
Payday -Simon and Ulf from developer Overkill at a recent New York showing of their shooter Payday.
On the Six Train -Today I was surrounded by mariachi while riding the six to work. They proceeded to perform as if I…
Pregnancy: The Game - 1UP's Matt Leone got pregnant for Tokyo Game Show. Talk about commitment.