In 2008, Jonathan Bissoon-Dath and Jennifer Barrette-Herzog sued Sony and God of War creator David Jaffe for…
On his blog, David Jaffe writes that similarities between Microsoft's upcoming Scrap Metal and Sony's Twisted Metal,…
Evocative and provocative, a game born of the anxiety about George W. Bush's polices abroad would have included a…
Eat Sleep Play's David Jaffe joined our one-hour live podcast this week to take any and all questions and cursing…
Join us live today on CBS Radio for our latest episode of Kotaku Talk Radio. We'll have Eat Sleep Play co-founders…
Join us live later today on CBS Radio for our latest episode of Kotaku Talk Radio with God of War's David Jaffe and…
This Wednesday, the founders of Eat Sleep Play, Scott Campbell and David Jaffe, joins us for our weekly podcast and…
Sony's venture into reality TV, The Tester, will be keeping it real this February on the PlayStation Network.
Today marked the end of online support for Calling All Cars!, the debut PlayStation Network game from David Jaffe's E…
Christmas is a time for giving, yes, but it's also a time for receiving. Which is more important. And while we know…
1975, Jaws — "It was the Village East theater in Birmingham, Alabama. And we rode in my sister's husband's Trans…
David Jaffe of developer Eat Sleep Play talks about the chances of him showing something at E3. And they are?
David Jaffe's already said Twisted Metal is coming to PS3. And sure, lots of games involve cars and humans. But a…
This morning Dylan Jobe announced that he and other members of Incognito Entertainment have left the company to…
Rule of thumb: Video game movies are not very good. I know it, you know it. Yet, game movies typically do pretty…
Famed Playstation developer David Jaffe may seem like an odd choice for guest developer for our in-game podcast…
Remember when God of War producer David Jaffe gushed orgasmically about the footage he'd seen from the PlayStation 3…
Click to view My son has become completely enamored with LittleBigPlanet. Which isn't that surprising. But what is…
To recap: a couple of people are suing both David Jaffe and SCEA over God of War, claiming the game's storyline is,…