Dear THQ Nordic store, I am not supposed to have the urge to cuddle a video game hero until after I have played it,…
Edgy marketing decisions have a way of blowing up in companies’ faces, but rarely do they so immediately and…
Here we see Fury, apocalyptic horseperson, facing off against Wrath, one of the Seven Deadly Sins she’s tasked with…
Darksiders 3 is coming November 27 to Xbox One, PS4, and PC, because it’s 2018 and somehow this trilogy, of all game trilogies, has managed to survive after the closure of the original studio behind it, Vigil Games, and former publisher, THQ. Darksiders 3 is being made by Gunfire Games.
It is May 23, 2017, and somebody just released a video game for the Wii U. Congratulations to the publisher THQ…
WAR and DEATH, in the flesh, taken at the Dutch Comic Con.
Battle Chasers: Nightwar, a new collaboration by a bunch of ex-Darksiders creatives, is on Kickstarter right now. The JRPG-inspired game looks terrific, and is already well on its way to meeting its $500,000 goal after a single day. Read more
Death rides one more time in the upcoming Darksiders 2 Deathinative Edition for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Let’s…
If you’ve been waiting to know when the remastered edition of Darksiders 2 would be out, you’re in luck: publisher Nordic Games says The Deathinitive Edition will be hitting current-gen consoles this winter, running at 1080p and with all the DLC from the last-gen version included. Read more
A "Definitive Edition" of Darksiders 2 is coming to the PS4, GameSpot has confirmed with publisher Nordic Games. Hooray for more new-gen ports? Read more
War and his steed Ruin from the game Darksiders as custom action figures by Texture Me. The same customizer has…

The Darksiders series isn't really dead. Nordic games owns it, and will presumably do something with it. But the…
The auctions following the closure of former publisher THQ are over. Homeworld, for example, was bought by Gearbox…
David Adams, the CEO of Crytek USA, has tweeted that he (or at least his company) is looking into buying the rights…
The THQ/Humble fire sale is back as part of Humble's new weekly deal. If you missed it last time, you can grab Red…