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Let's Compare Old Darksiders 2 To The 'Deathinitive' Edition

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Death rides one more time in the upcoming Darksiders 2 Deathinative Edition for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Let’s see the difference a rewritten renderer and enhanced lighting can make.

Gunfire Games is handling the move to new-gen, and it’s a much more involved process than simply upping the resolution. Design director John Pearl explains.

“When we thought about what we wanted to do for the “Deathinitive” edition of Darksiders 2, obviously we wanted to run in native 1080p and increase the resolution of the textures. Additionally, we decided to rewrite the renderer to be physically based like a lot of other current generation game engines. What this means visually is metal, leather, stone and skin look and respond to light as you would expect them to in the real world. This new rendering method meant we revisited every texture and surface in the game, reworking and re-authoring them for the new renderer. To take full advantage of these texture changes, we’ve also gone back and relit the entire game.”


Check out the slider images below. Before images are on the left, after on the right. In some places the new visuals are subtle—the characters don’t look drastically different, but the environments really pop.


The Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition features the full original game and all downloadable content, relit and reworked for new gen systems. It should arrive on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 before the end of the year