Weird story out of Bristol, Va.; a judge there has abandoned his seat after it came to light that he'd been a…
June 8, 2008 was a dark day in Japan. A temp worker drove a rented truck into a group of pedestrians in Tokyo's geek…
Prosecutors say a New Jersey man managed to convince four 13- and 14-year-olds to send him pictures of their…
This isn't run-of-the-mill blotter acid, this is some kind of souped-up Scandinavian hallucinogenic called…
May 31 seemed like just another Square Enix monthly update to its Final Fantasy XI online game registration server…
A Virginia man faces charges of misdemeanor animal cruelty and disorderly conduct after allegedly hurling his…
Cops are searching real homes for clues in the theft of virtual items from Habbo Hotel, the teen-oriented social…
A 46-year-old Taiwanese man has been arrested for raping four young boys.
Two men have been charged with creating an adult video game virus that leaks personal information onto the…
A Counter-Strike player in France has spent six months plotting a revenge attack against a man who beat him in an…
Stephen Perry, who was a writer for 1980s cartoon ThunderCats, recently went missing. His van was found last…
Anti-virus software maker Symantec recently uncovered and analyzed a cache of stolen online accounts—many from games…
It used to be that on Sundays and holidays, Tokyo's electrics and game mecca Akihabara closed off its streets to…
Nintendo's Jin Nakanose, 37, has been arrested by Kyoto Police for kicking the crap out of another driver at a…
A man detained in the United Kingdom has had a PlayStation - or what was left of a PlayStation - confiscated by…
Arrested at the inaugural Penny Arcade Expo East in Boston for allegedly attempting to steal early code for Atomic…
The scandal enveloping Korea's professional Starcraft scene appears to be worse than first believed, with eleven…
A California man has been sentenced to five years prison after robbing a number of women of their credit cards,…
The teenager who got so miffed at Sony over a game of SOCOM that he hacked the company's website has been sentenced…
A British programmer said to have reaped some £600,000 selling modchips that bypassed copy protection on four…